Salesforce CTI Integration, ESTABLISHING Open CTI Sample Application

This is my first tutorial on Salesforce and in this guide we will understand how we can setup Open CTI sample software provided by Salesforce. Salesforce has provided a nice tutorial with this but nonetheless some developers face issues to create this up. I would suggest one to follow this tutorial in your developer org. As this doesn’t require coding or programming skills, any SFDC Administrator and Developer can follow this. We shall cover how to personalize call middle settings in my upcoming tutorials. To set up a demo Open CTI adapter please click on the below link. This will ask you Salesforce credentials.

Please, take note, you can install this to your company sandbox also if you have admin privileges, but I would suggest one use developer accounts as you will have full access. That is a link to Salesforce Demo Open CTI Adapter. You will notice below display if you provide a valid consumer password and name.

  1. Advanced Security Controls
  2. Select Personal Web Sharing, and then click the Start button
  3. Click on the NEXT button
  4. Standardize Sales Performance
  5. Limited selection of plugins
  6. Research, Research, Research
  7. 4 Moderation guidelines

This screen gives details about what are the components its heading to create. Once you reviewed it you can select “Continue” button. There is not much to do with this page, click on “Next” to keep. Accept the default option selected on this page. Only admin users shall get access to this bundle. This is the final confirmation page before installing “Demo Open CTI adapter” package begins. Select “Install” button and Saleforce will take care of “Demo Open CTI adapter” package deal installation.

You will get below web page if deal installed successfully in your Org. Next we must do some construction to see this application doing his thing. Next go to “Static Resources” or in “Quick Find” search box type “Static Resources” and then select “Static Resource”. In “Static Resources” choose “DemoAdapterCloud” resource as highlighted in below display screen shot.

This can be an XML file, which file is required in “Call Center” configurations. Select “View file” to open up the XML file. S” to save lots of it on your computer. We shall upload this document to SFDC to setup soft mobile phone. This file contains all the mandatory information Soft Phone requires to run properly.

Now quickly get around to “Call Centers” from quick find box. Click on “Import” button. Here you have to select XML file (DemoAdapterCloud.xml) which we downloaded from SFDC Static Resources and then select Import button. If the XML document is valid you can view below information then. This is the minimum information necessary for soft phone to work.

You can personalize the XML file and upload to add more information here. To be able to see Demo CTI Adapter on Salesforce UI we have to update “CTI Adapter URL” to presently used domain. To do so check your Salesforce URL. For me personally its “” because I am accessing SFDC from India and this could vary for you. Update “CTI Adapter Web address” to your instance Now.

In my case I up to date the URL from “” to “” because my SFDC instance was “”. The next thing is to add users to the “Call Center”. Please, note that, soft phone will be visible to those users whom we assign to “Call Center” settings. To include user select “Manage Call Center Users” as shown in the screen shot.

Follow the simple steps to add Admin users, you can view the set of users designated to “Call Center”. Now click on “Home” tabs to see smooth phone doing his thing. Did this enable you to setup Salesforce Demo Adapter? You will find situations when we want to export data from database to Excel but we don’t have any easy way to so. I got while developing a CRM software for my customer. Change virtual memory space on home windows to get a performance increase. 0 of 8192 heroes usedPost CommentNo HTML is allowed in remarks, but URLs will be hyperlinked.

Comments aren’t for promoting your write-ups or other sites. Vetriselvan: you can call a function to produce task when call is ended. This is a pretty good article. I hear am having issues. When the decision gets ended the experience is not logged. How do I get the kept call logs?